Work While Studying in China
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22 آبان 2

Work While Studying in China

Students traveling to China for studies often wish to have opportunities for part-time work during their studies for various reasons. China, as one of the largest countries in the world, has made significant advancements in the fields of economics, politics, and higher education in recent years. As a result, many international students choose China for their studies instead of heading to European universities. Given China’s population of over 1.3 billion, finding part-time student jobs can be challenging, with some limitations. Therefore, the regulations and conditions for working while studying in China are strict but not impossible. Some international students are employed part-time in various centers. In this article, we will explore the topic of working while studying in China. Tuition and Living Costs for Students in China In recent years, China’s higher education system has undergone profound transformations, leading to an internationally recognized reputation. Many Chinese universities have ranked highly in global rankings, which has attracted numerous international students and increased educational migration to China. When compared to many universities in Europe and the United States, the cost of studying in China is reasonable and affordable. Additionally, the cost of living as a student in China is generally lower than in European countries or the United States, depending on the city and lifestyle. However, similar to students around the world, international students in China often seek part-time work opportunities for various reasons, including gaining experience, supporting their living and tuition costs, and more. Working While Studying in China China, being one of the largest and most populous countries in the world, with over 1 billion people, first prioritizes job opportunities for its citizens. As a result, there are restrictions on part-time work for foreign students. However, this doesn’t mean that international students cannot work while studying. With some effort, obtaining the necessary permits, and following the regulations, they can secure the opportunity to work during their studies. This allows students to help cover some of their tuition and living expenses in China.
شرایط اجازه کار حین تحصیل در چین
Conditions for Working While Studying in China Before January 2022, working while studying in China was almost impossible, which led to a lower interest among international students in pursuing their education in China. To address this, the Chinese government amended previous laws, allowing foreign students to work part-time while studying. Students wishing to work during their studies must first obtain all necessary legal permits and comply with all regulations. The general conditions for student employment include the following:
  • Good Health: The student must be in good health and capable of performing the job they are engaged in.
  • Age Requirement: Age is a significant factor for working while studying in China, with a minimum age of 18 years being mandatory.
  • Residence Permit: One of the essential requirements for student work in China is having a residence permit with more than six months of validity remaining.
  • Completion of One Year of Study: Students wishing to work must have completed at least one year of study in China.
  • Student Insurance: Student insurance is a necessity for both studying and working while studying. The insurance must cover all work and study activities.
  • Criminal Background Check: A certificate of no criminal record is required.
  • Official Permission from the University: Students must obtain official authorization from their university to work while studying.

کسب مجوز کار دانشجویی در چین

Obtaining Permits and Requirements for Student Work in China International students must obtain the necessary permits from their university, the police, and Chinese authorities to work while studying in China. Before starting work, a student must first receive written permission for student employment from their university. They must then sign an employment contract that outlines all the rules, conditions, and terms of work, including compensation. A copy of this contract must be submitted to the university for registration. Once the student has these documents, as well as a valid residence permit, they must apply for a student work permit within 10 days at the Exit-Entry Administration of Public Security in their city of study. Students wishing to work while studying in China, in addition to meeting the academic requirements and obtaining necessary permits, should carefully plan their academic schedule to ensure it does not interfere with their studies. Another crucial aspect of student employment is knowledge of the Chinese language, which is essential for interacting effectively with the local people and culture, and for succeeding in work. Therefore, proficiency in Chinese is a key prerequisite for working while studying in China. Types of Student Jobs in China Studying and working in foreign countries can be challenging and requires effective communication and interaction with the environment and locals. This is why it is recommended to learn the local language when working while studying in China or any non-English-speaking country. Mastering the language leads to more productive interactions and success in the workplace. Below are some types of student jobs available in China:
  1. Research Activities
One type of student work in China involves participating in research under the supervision of a professor. With the approval of the university and the relevant professors, students can engage in research activities alongside the professor. This not only allows students to earn an income but also helps them develop skills, gain academic experience, and enhance their capabilities.
کار دانشجویی در چین آموزش زبان
  1. Language Teaching
Another type of student job in China is teaching English or other languages such as French, Arabic, German, Persian, and so on. This job is especially popular in kindergartens, where there is a strong demand for language instructors. By teaching languages in various centers, students can have a part-time job with a moderate income.
  1. Translation Work
Translation is another viable option for student employment in China. Currently, there are many international students in China who, by mastering the Chinese language along with one or more other languages, earn a good income. Translating between Chinese and another language can be a suitable student job for foreign students.
  1. Student Assistant
This type of student work can also be a great option for working while studying. Students interested in this role assist other international students and the university’s international office with various tasks. Other examples of student jobs in China include:
  • Modeling
  • Programming
  • Working in stores
  • Employment in Chinese media
  • Part-time marketing

قوانین ساعات کار دانشجویی در چین

Student Work Hours Regulations in China Foreign students who wish to work while studying in China must not only obtain the necessary permits but also comply with the regulations governing student employment. Failing to follow these rules may result in losing the right to work and even suspension from studies. One of the regulations for working while studying in China is adhering to the approved working hours. According to labor laws, international students can work between 8 and 20 hours per week, with a maximum of 80 hours per month. The monthly income for student work in China varies based on working hours and the type of job, ranging from 1,000 to 5,000 yuan. How to Find Student Jobs There are several ways to find student jobs in China. If a student wishes to work in university-related positions such as a research assistant, they can apply through the university’s student affairs department and professors. For other jobs, students can also use recruitment agencies and newspapers. Here are a few reputable recruitment agencies in China: InstituteEmployment FieldYear Established Grun Zender Technology, Law, Human Resources, Communications, Environmental Industry, Finance 1964 Eban Asset Management, Investment Banking, Securities 1995 Monroe Technology, Industrial, Professional, Healthcare 2003 Gemini Real Estate, Oil and Gas, Healthcare, Chemicals, Financial Services, IT 1993 Additionally, websites such as China Xpat Jobs,,, Gob51, and can be used to find student jobs in China. Networking with influential individuals, socializing at university, and interacting outside of campus can also be very helpful in finding a suitable job.

عوامل مؤثر بر لغو مجوز کار دانشجویی در چین

Factors Affecting the Cancellation of Student Work Permits in China As mentioned earlier, to obtain a work permit while studying in China, all necessary permissions must be acquired from the police, authorities, university, and others. Additionally, the applicant must meet all the requirements for obtaining a student work permit in China. Violating any of the labor regulations can lead to the cancellation of the work permit and even expulsion from the university. The factors that can lead to the cancellation of a student work permit include:
  • Providing false information
  • Failing to comply with workplace regulations
  • Absence from classes, essential university activities, and obtaining low grades
  • Violating student labor laws in China
Conclusion Chinese universities have made fundamental changes to position themselves among the world’s prestigious institutions. Adhering to educational standards, modern educational facilities, the presence of renowned professors, and scientific collaborations are some of the reasons for the global recognition of Chinese universities. As a result, many international students are choosing China for their higher education. One of the benefits students can take advantage of is the opportunity to work while studying in China. International students applying for student jobs in China must meet the initial conditions for employment. They must also obtain the necessary permits from the relevant departments. Proficiency in Chinese significantly increases the chances of success in securing student employment. Jobs such as language teaching, research assistant, modeling, translation, and work in Chinese media are some of the roles available to international students. Students are only allowed to work a maximum of 20 hours per week. Violating this or any other regulations can lead to the cancellation of the work permit and even suspension from studies. Elm Vira Immigration Institute, with its successful immigration cases and rich experience, is dedicated to providing comprehensive information on educational migration to various countries. By completing the free consultation form, you can connect with our experts.

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