دانشگاه عادی پکن (BNU) + شهریه 2025
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Beijing Normal University (BNU) + Tuition Fees 2025

Beijing Normal University is directly managed by the Ministry of Education and was established to train teachers. It is considered a non-profit public educational institution. The university is located in Beijing, China, a city known for its beauty, high population, and advanced welfare facilities. Beijing has four main campuses, all situated within the city. The tuition fees at Beijing Normal University are reasonable and more affordable compared to other European countries and the United States. Considering the high academic standards of the university, its welfare services, scholarships, and the fact that many programs are taught in English, studying in China is an attractive option for those interested in higher education. The Ilam Vira Migration Institute, a reputable and experienced organization with over 200 successful cases annually in the field of migration, will assist you in obtaining admission to your desired university. Beijing Normal University Website (in English): https://english.bnu.edu.cn/ Approved by Iran’s Ministry of Science and Health: Yes
Introduction to Beijing Normal University (BNU) Beijing Normal University (BNU) is a key, comprehensive, and research-oriented university under the Ministry of Education, renowned for training teachers and professors worldwide and its foundational learning in the arts and sciences. Established in 1902, the university boasts over 110 years of history and a rich cultural legacy. BNU, with its broad academic disciplines, stands at the forefront of advanced educational institutions in China. Historically, it was one of the six top universities authorized to independently conduct exams and certification for undergraduate programs. The university has five campuses, with the main campus, the North Campus in Taipingzhuang, covering 172.64 hectares, serving as an important hub for educational activities. BNU hosts 22,000 full-time students, including 8,900 undergraduates, 11,300 graduate students, and 1,800 long-term international students. Teaching at BNU is also conducted in English, and currently, 3,288 international students are enrolled at the university.
امکانات دانشگاه عادی پکن
Facilities at Beijing Normal University (BNU) Beijing Normal University boasts rich educational resources and is a national hub for nurturing high-quality talent and creativity. The university houses two national bases for talent foundation and scientific research in the arts, five national bases for teacher scientific research and development in the sciences, five model laboratories for human resource development under the Ministry of Education, and three national experimental education centers. The BNU library, developed from the study rooms of the Imperial Beijing University’s education department, has evolved into its current form. It now spans 36,000 square meters, consisting of a main library, two branch libraries, and six thematic study rooms. The BNU library has been designed to accommodate collaborative environments and is well-equipped to meet the needs of research, teaching, and learning. By the end of 2018, the library’s printed collections exceeded 5.1 million, with electronic resources reaching 8.7 million. In addition to academics, physical exercise is equally important. Students at Beijing Normal University are provided with extensive sports facilities to help alleviate stress and maintain physical fitness after intense study periods. These include the Qiu Jiduan Stadium, East and West playgrounds, volleyball and tennis courts, a handball court, a table tennis room, and an older stadium. Ranking of Beijing Normal University Beijing Normal University is one of the leading universities in the humanities and has collaborated in research with over 500 global companies. It ranks among the top universities worldwide and is recognized by the Ministry of Science in Iran. Below is the university’s ranking:
  • QS World University Ranking: 272
  • QS WUR by Subject Ranking: 301-305
  • QS Asia University Ranking: 57
  • East Asia University Ranking: 40
  • Times Higher Education World University Ranking: 177
  • US News & World Report Global Ranking: 269

رشته‌های دانشگاه BNU

Programs at Beijing Normal University (BNU) Beijing Normal University (BNU) offers a wide range of academic programs across various fields. The university has 21 colleges and provides 58 undergraduate programs, 166 master’s degree programs, 111 doctoral programs, and 25 postdoctoral positions. It also offers 24 doctoral and 36 master’s programs in first-level disciplines. While BNU covers a broad spectrum of academic and research areas, it is particularly well-regarded for its work in the humanities. The university offers six doctoral programs in English, including Education, Economics, Environmental Science, and Environmental Engineering, and eight master’s programs in fields such as Education, Public Administration, Economics, Environmental Science, Business Administration, and Public Management. Some of the programs available at Beijing Normal University include:
  • Chemistry
  • Education
  • Physics
  • Mathematics
  • Law
  • Geography
  • Philosophy
  • Economics
  • Psychology
  • Astronomy
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Systems Science
  • Management
  • Communication and Journalism
  • Nuclear Science and Technology
Tuition Fees at Beijing Normal University In recent years, China’s government efforts to improve the quality of education and attract international students have made Chinese universities highly attractive for studying abroad. One of the advantages of studying in China is the relatively lower tuition fees compared to European and American universities, along with good student welfare and financial aid services. The tuition fees at Beijing Normal University vary depending on the program and level of study. For specific tuition details, you can refer to the university’s website, where the annual tuition is listed in Chinese Yuan (CNY). Below are the approximate annual tuition fees for some programs: ProgramAnnual Tuition Fee (RMB) Psychology 27,700 Management Science 27,700 Public Administration 24,000 Physical Education 24,000 Chemistry 27,700 Philosophy 24,000 Law 24,000 Master of Arts 25,300 Doctor of Arts 32,300 Additionally, an application fee is required for admission to Beijing Normal University.
مدارک جهت اخذ پذیرش و مهاجرت تحصیلی به چین
Documents Required for Admission and Study Abroad to China To study abroad in China and gain admission to Beijing Normal University, obtaining a language proficiency certificate is a prerequisite before submitting your application. The process for international students is explained on the university’s website. The following documents are required for admission to the university:
  1. Completed international student application form
  2. Passport copy
  3. Recommendation letter
  4. Statement of purpose
  5. Transcripts of previous academic qualifications with translations
  6. English language proficiency certificate (IELTS minimum score of 6 or TOEFL minimum score of 80)
  7. Financial statement
  8. Bank statement
  9. Police clearance certificate
  10. Health certificate
Scholarships at Beijing Normal University Beijing Normal University offers various scholarships to encourage and support international students. These include:
  • Chinese Government Scholarship (Type A and Type B)
  • Confucius China Studies Program
  • Confucius Institute Scholarship for International Chinese Language Teachers
  • Beijing Government Scholarship
  • New International Student Scholarship at BNU
  • BNUSilk Road MuduoScholarship
  • Belt and Road School Scholarship (only for students entering the Belt and Road School)
Applicants for scholarships must apply through the university’s online international student services system and submit their scholarship application to the China Scholarship Council. Beijing Government Scholarship The Beijing Government Scholarship for international students is managed by the evaluation committee at BNU. The scholarship duration is one year for undergraduate students and three years for master’s and doctoral students. The conditions to apply are as follows:
  • Only non-Chinese citizens (international students) are eligible for this scholarship.
  • Applicants must be in good health.
  • Applicants should not have previously received the Chinese Government Scholarship or any other scholarships from other institutions.
  • Applicants must be under 30 years of age.

خوابگاه دانشگاه نرمال پکن

Dormitories at Beijing Normal University and Living Costs in China Beijing Normal University provides excellent educational and living facilities for its students. The university offers a total of five dormitories for international students, with online application options for accommodation. If students choose to live outside the dormitories, they must register at the local police station. Each dormitory has laundry rooms and shared kitchens equipped with gas stoves and microwaves. The cost of staying in a dormitory is significantly lower compared to renting an apartment. Additionally, restaurants and necessary amenities are available near the dormitories. The affordable tuition fees in China, compared to other European and American countries, along with the low unemployment rate and available scholarships, contribute to the high demand for studying in China. Although living costs in Beijing are higher than in other Chinese cities, they are still more affordable compared to those in the U.S. or Europe. On average, a student would spend around $1,200 per month. The cost of living depends on lifestyle choices and the type of accommodation, which can vary for each individual. Summary Beijing Normal University, with the motto “Learn, to instruct others” and “Act, to serve as an example to all,” is one of the top universities globally in teacher training and education. It is recognized by Iran’s Ministry of Science, and courses are taught in English. Tuition fees at Beijing Normal University are more affordable compared to universities in the U.S. and even Europe, while Chinese universities maintain a high academic level and compete with those abroad. The low tuition fees, strong academic reputation, disciplined environment, student welfare facilities, and the availability of English-language programs contribute to the growing popularity of studying in China. The Ilm Vera Immigration Institute offers free consultations for those interested in studying abroad, helping them confidently choose their desired courses and destinations.

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تهران:نلسون ماندلا (جردن)- کوچه مروارید- پلاک۸- واحد 403
اردبیل:خیابان حافظ – روبروی پارک حافظ – ساختمان امید طبقه دوم
تبریز:بلوار استاد شهریار(چایکنار) – جنب بهزیستی ساختمان۲۲-طبقه اول