دانشگاه اقتصاد آذربایجان
توسط مدیر سایت
29 اردیبهشت 2

Azerbaijan University of Economics + Tuition Fees 2024

Azerbaijan University of Economics

Recognized by the Iranian Ministry of Science: Yes Official Website: https://www.worldcampus.psu.edu/

About Azerbaijan University of Economics

Founded in 1930, the Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) is one of the largest higher education institutions in the South Caucasus. The university comprises nine faculties and offers 22 academic disciplines, with a student body exceeding 18,000. Currently, more than 850 international students from 12 different countries are pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees at UNEC. UNEC boasts a distinguished faculty of over 1,000 educators, including 77 professors and 326 associate professors. Among them are esteemed members of the National Academy of Sciences, and the New York Academy of Sciences, recipients of state awards, and renowned scholars and educators. For further details, stay with us.

History of UNEC

The training of professional economists in Azerbaijan dates back to the 1920s. One of the five faculties established by the Azerbaijan Revolutionary Committee at the Polytechnic Institute was the Faculty of Economics. In 1922, the Department of Economics was founded within the Faculty of General Sciences at Azerbaijan State University, where it continued to train professional economists until 1930. The present-day Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) was officially established following the division of Azerbaijan State University into multiple institutions. Based on a decision by the Council of People’s Commissars of the Azerbaijan SSR, the Azerbaijan Institute of National Economy was founded, evolving from the university’s Department of Economics.

Why Choose Azerbaijan University of Economics?

  • UNEC is a leading educational center specializing in economics within the region.
  • The university follows American and European educational systems, ensuring a globally competitive curriculum.
  • Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD programs are offered in Azerbaijani, English, Russian, and Turkish.
  • The student hub is the central part of campus life, fostering engagement and academic development.
  • Students have the opportunity to graduate with dual specializations.
  • UNEC provides access to various international exchange programs.
  • The university comprises 10 departments with 24 academic chairs.
  • Its esteemed faculty includes 403 professors and PhD holders, ensuring a high standard of education.
چرا دانشگاه اقتصاد آذربایجان

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs

  • Global Economics
  • Finance, Banking, and Investment
  • Economics
  • Accounting and Auditing
  • Statistics
  • Management
  • Public and Municipal Administration
  • Information Systems and Technology Engineering
  • Business Administration
  • Industry Regulation and Administration
  • Ecology
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Marketing
  • Commerce
  • Consumer Goods Analysis and Marketing
  • Food Engineering
  • Consumer Goods Technology Engineering
  • Machinery and Technical Equipment Engineering
  • Metrology, Standardization, and Certification Engineering
  • International Relations

Tuition Fees at Azerbaijan University of Economics

Azerbaijan is an ideal destination for Iranian students seeking high-quality education at an affordable cost in a safe and modern country. Below is an overview of tuition fees for different study levels at UNEC: Degree LevelAnnual Tuition (USD) Bachelor’s $3,800 Master’s $4,000 PhD $4,000 The annual dormitory fee is approximately $1,000.

Student Living Costs in Azerbaijan

Below is a breakdown of the estimated monthly living expenses for students in Azerbaijan: Item/ServiceCost (USD) One-bedroom apartment (city center) $321.44 One-bedroom apartment (suburbs) $185.23 Monthly transportation pass $11.74 Utilities for an 85 m² apartment ~$45.03 Internet subscription $17.43 1 kg of chicken $3.61 1 kg of beef $7.30 1 kg of rice $1.47 1 kg of apples $0.95 1 kg of bananas $1.38 12 eggs $1.30 1 liter of milk $1.02 1.5 liters of bottled water $0.49 With its affordable education, low living costs, and high safety standards, Azerbaijan offers an excellent opportunity for international students.
مدارک مورد نیاز جهت اخذ پذیرش دانشگاه

Required Documents for Admission to Azerbaijan University of Economics

To apply for admission, students must provide the following documents: Passport Copy Official Translation of the Latest Degree and Transcripts into Azerbaijani Certificate of No Criminal Record (officially translated into Azerbaijani) Payment of Admission and Student Service Fees

University Ranking

According to the QS World University Rankings 2022, Azerbaijan University of Economics (UNEC) is ranked between 1001 and 1200 globally.

International Collaborations

UNEC actively engages in international partnerships, student and faculty exchanges, and joint educational programs with universities worldwide. The university has signed bilateral cooperation agreements with 92 universities from 32 countries. Some of UNEC’s key international partners include: 🇩🇪 University of Siegen (Germany) 🇬🇧 University of Warwick (UK) 🇮🇹 University of Bologna (Italy) 🇨🇭 Business and International Studies University (Switzerland) 🇪🇸 University of Malaga (Spain) 🇱🇹 Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania) 🇰🇷 SolBridge International School of Business, Woosong University (South Korea) 🇹🇷 Gazi, Hacettepe, and Sakarya Universities (Turkey) Additionally, UNEC collaborates with international organizations such as:
  • World Bank (WB)
  • World Trade Organization (WTO)
  • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  • Asian Development Bank (ADB)
  • German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ)
  • Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA)
UNEC is also a member of:
  • International Association of Universities (IAU)
  • European University Association (EUA)
  • Federation of Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW)
  • Caucasus University Association (CUA)

Scholarships & Free Education at UNEC

💡 Scholarship opportunities are available for outstanding international students. Selected students receive full funding, covering: Tuition Fees International Flights Visa Fees Monthly Stipend of $470 for accommodation and living expenses Health Insurance

Final Words

Founded in 1930, the Azerbaijan University of Economics has grown from a small faculty to one of the top universities in Azerbaijan and the largest economic education institution in the Caucasus region. The university is leading in training specialists in industry, agriculture, commerce, finance, taxation, marketing, and management. 💼 If you are considering studying at UNEC, the expert consultants at Elm Vira Immigration Institute are here to assist you. 📞 For a free consultation, call +98 914 294 1348 🌐 Visit our website for more information and expert guidance

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