دانشگاه پلی تکنیک آذربایجان (AzTU) + شهریه 2024
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Azerbaijan Polytechnic University (AzTU) + Tuition Fees 2024

Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU) Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU) is a leading institution in the field of technical education in Azerbaijan. Founded in 1950 as the Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute, it started with four faculties in the capital city, Baku. Initially, between 1950 and 1955, the university’s faculties were housed in various buildings across different locations. In 1955, all faculties moved to the current building, which is renowned for its stunning blend of Eastern and Western architectural styles. This building now offers all the necessary facilities for students to acquire a broad knowledge base. In 1975, two new higher technical schools were founded based on AzTU: the “University of Architecture and Construction” and the “Ganja Institute of Technology.” For more information, you can visit their official website.
About Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU) Since 1978, Azerbaijan Technical University has been training a large number of specialists for various republics, including the Soviet Union and several countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. During that period, over 12,000 students were enrolled at the university. AzTU was awarded the prestigious Challenge Badge of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Soviet Union and received the first-class monetary prize for its achievements in educational-methodological and scientific-technical fields. Since 1991, the university has been known as Azerbaijan Technical University.
University faculties
Faculties of Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU) Azerbaijan Technical University offers a wide range of specialized faculties:
  1. Transport
  2. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering
  3. Radio Engineering and Communications
  4. Automation and Computer Engineering
  5. Metallurgy
  6. Mechanical Engineering
  7. Machines and Technology
  8. Business Engineering and Management
  9. Technological Complexes and Special Equipment
Fields of Study Currently, AzTU offers education in 28 specializations and over 70 disciplines in various fields, including:
  • Business and Mechanical Engineering
  • Metallurgy
  • Informatics and Computer Technologies
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Telecommunications
  • Transportation Engineering
These programs are designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of both theoretical and practical aspects of their chosen fields.
Statistical information of the university
Statistical Information about Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU) Azerbaijan Technical University employs over 600 staff members, including 68 professors and 332 associate professors, who are engaged in 46 departmental chairs within the university. Over 50 specialists, both domestic and foreign, are currently involved in scientific research, with two specialized scientific councils granting academic degrees in various technical fields. The university’s scientific achievements are published in theScientific Worksjournal, a scientific and technical publication. The university’s library boasts over 700,000 books, study halls, and 20 multimedia rooms equipped with more than 400 personal computers for students and staff. AzTU collaborates with organizations such as the United Nations, UNESCO, TRASEKA, other relevant international organizations, and many universities abroad. Over 40 countries have sent students to AzTU, and many international students continue to study there. Currently, more than 6,000 undergraduate and graduate students are trained in modern lecture halls and laboratories equipped with the latest technology, by the Bologna Process and credit system. Acceptance in AzTU (Undergraduate Programs) AzTU is accepting international students for the 2020-2024 academic period. Applicants can apply by filling out the application form for available departments and specialties. The language of instruction is available in Azerbaijani, Russian, and English. Students who wish to study at AzTU will enroll in a one-year preparatory course to achieve proficiency in the language of their choice. Required Documents for Admission:
  • Original high school diploma with transcript and its notarized translation in Azerbaijani
  • Copy of international passport (valid for at least one year from the date of application)
  • Health certificate confirming no HIV, Hepatitis B, C, or Syphilis, issued in Azerbaijan or the applicant’s home country (with a notarized translation into Azerbaijani)
  • Language proficiency certificates, if applicable (Azerbaijani, Russian, or English proficiency certificates, e.g., IELTS score of at least 5.0 or TOEFL 40)
  • Ten recent passport-sized photos (3×4 cm)
  • Copy of student visa
  • Copy of temporary housing registration
Tuition Fees:
  • Full-time undergraduate degree (4 years): $1,450 per year
  • Master’s degree (5 years): $1,200 per year
Master's degree
Master’s Program Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU) also offers admissions for international students (non-citizens) at the master’s level. Students can apply for specific specialties by filling out the application form. Instruction is available in Azerbaijani, Russian, and English. International students who wish to study at the university must enroll in a one-year preparatory course to gain proficiency in their chosen language. Required Documents for Admission:
  • Original high school diploma with transcript and its notarized translation in Azerbaijani, as well as the original bachelor’s degree with transcript and notarized translation into Azerbaijani for the master’s program.
  • Copy of international passport (valid for at least one year from the date of application).
  • Health certificate confirming no HIV, Hepatitis B, C, or Syphilis, issued in Azerbaijan or the applicant’s home country (with a notarized translation into Azerbaijani).
  • Language proficiency certificates (Azerbaijani, Russian, or English certificates, if available):
    • IELTS score of at least 5.0 or TOEFL 40 for English.
  • Ten recent passport-sized photos (3×4 cm).
  • Copy of student visa.
  • Copy of temporary housing registration.
Tuition Fees:
  • Full-time Master’s degree (2 years): $1,450 per year.
  • Master’s degree (3 years): $1,200 per year.
Transfer students
Transfer Students Students from other universities can transfer to Azerbaijan Technical University by following the transfer procedures set by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The entire transfer process is overseen by the Ministry of Education. General Documents for Transfer Students:
  • Academic transcript (for students who studied abroad, the document must be legally certified and translated into Azerbaijani).
  • International passport.
  • Admission test scores from the previous university.
  • Official test scores for international certificates (e.g., SAT, TOEFL, IELTS).
  • A reference stating that tuition fees are not required.
Conclusion Azerbaijan Technical University is considered one of the top universities in Azerbaijan. The experience of studying in Azerbaijan can be one of the best opportunities for prospective students. If you are interested in studying in Azerbaijan, feel free to contact the immigration consultants at Elm Vira Institute for assistance.

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