دانشگاه ADA آذربایجان + شهریه 2024
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ADA University Azerbaijan + Tuition Fees 2024

ADA Azerbaijan University ADA University in Azerbaijan was established on January 13, 2014, in the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan, by a decree of the then-president. It is a public higher education institution focused on advancing research while also offering undergraduate and graduate programs. ADA University is the legal successor of the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy and the Azerbaijan Information Technology University, both of which merged in January 2014 to form ADA University. The Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy, founded on March 6, 2006, began offering advanced foreign service programs for diplomats and government officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs starting in January 2007. For more information, you can visit their official website here.
Introducing ADA Azerbaijan University ADA University boasts four faculties: the Faculty of Public and International Affairs, the Faculty of Business (Commerce), the School of Education, and the Faculty of Information Technology and Engineering. The primary language of instruction at the university is English. ADA University is home to international students from 46 countries around the globe. Among universities in the Republic of Azerbaijan, ADA ranks sixth, with a position of 301-350 in the EECA (Emerging Europe and Central Asia) ranking. The university currently has 2,560 students, with 48% male and 52% female students.
دانشگاه ADA آذربایجان
ADA Azerbaijan University Location and Campus Baku, along with ADA University, serves as a living laboratory at the intersection of the ancient Silk Road, where East meets West. Located in the heart of Baku, ADA is conceptualized as “from goods exchange to ideas exchange.” Campus and Facilities The campus’s buildings are not only designed with external aesthetics in mind; the internal space design plays a crucial role in fostering the university’s culture, spirit, and environment. ADA is a lifestyle where students come each morning. It serves as a social center where future diplomats, business leaders, and engineers collaborate. The innovative architecture is crafted to avoid isolation, defining the campus’s buildings. ADA’s campus is a green and smart one, the first of its kind in the region. In addition to the main campus in Baku, ADA is also supported by the ADA Foundation in Washington, D.C. Programs Offered
  • Computer Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Computer Science and Data Analytics
  • International Studies
  • Law
  • Business Administration
  • Economics
  • Educational Management
  • Diplomacy and International Affairs
  • Public Administration
  • Education and Learning
  • MBA
Admission Process To apply for admission, candidates must fill out the online application form on the university’s website and submit the required documents. The university evaluates candidates based on their academic records and grades. Accepted students must then prepare for an interview. Required documents include:
  • Passport-size photo (3×4 cm)
  • Valid passport copy
  • Resume or CV
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Previous academic documents with transcripts and English translations
  • STA test results with a minimum score of 1200
  • Application fee for postgraduate studies ($24)
  • English proficiency test scores (minimum 6 for IELTS or 75 for TOEFL for undergraduate, 6.5 for IELTS or 83 for TOEFL for postgraduate)
Tuition Fees Applicants for ADA Azerbaijan University must pay tuition fees for their respective programs. In addition to tuition, students are required to pay an annual academic fee of $440. Students with limited financial means can also take part-time jobs in Azerbaijan to support their education and living expenses. FacultyUndergraduatePostgraduate International and Public Affairs $4,552 per year $5,727 per year Business $4,552 per year $9,545 per year Engineering and Information Tech $4,552 per year $4,553 per year Education – $5,727 per year
هزینه زندگی دانشجویی در آذربایجان
Cost of Student Life in Azerbaijan Item/ServiceCost Rent for a one-bedroom apartment (city center) $321.44 Rent for a one-bedroom apartment (suburbs) $185.23 Monthly transportation costs $11.74 Energy costs for an 85m² apartment Approx. $45.03 Internet costs $17.43 1 kg of chicken breast $3.61 1 kg of beef $7.30 1 kg of rice $1.47 1 kg of apples $0.95 1 kg of bananas $1.38 12 eggs $1.30 1 liter of milk $1.02 1.5 liters of water $0.49 Scholarships at ADA Azerbaijan University ADA Azerbaijan University offers various financial assistance programs for high-achieving students. The university values academic performance and provides several types of scholarships to deserving students.
  1. Merit-based Scholarship
    • This scholarship is awarded to students who have excelled in the Mathematics Olympiad or SEC exams with a GPA of at least 3. It covers between 50% to 100% of tuition fees.
  2. Alimardan Bay Topchubashov International Scholarship
    • Offered to international students in undergraduate and graduate programs with a GPA of at least 2.5. This scholarship covers both tuition and accommodation fees, enabling free education.
  3. Azerbaijan Government Scholarship
    • This scholarship includes tuition fees, a monthly allowance, flight costs, visas, and health insurance. It is awarded to the top 40 students across different academic levels. It is aimed at supporting talented students and is funded by the Azerbaijani government.
دانشگاه ADA آذربایجان
Final Words ADA Azerbaijan University, located in Baku, began its journey in 2006 with a focus on diplomatic relations education. Among its various academic programs are Computer Science and Engineering, Economics, Law, and Diplomacy and International Affairs. One of the key advantages of ADA is its offering of various scholarships for international students. The expert consultants of Elm Vira Immigration Institute are here to guide you through the process of studying in Azerbaijan. For free phone consultations, you can reach us at +989142941348. You can also contact us through the communication channels provided on our website. Our team of dedicated experts is available full-time to assist you.

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